Social Media Community and Communications Guidelines

We welcome and encourage open discussion and comments within La Jolla Playhouse’s social media and communications channels. This is a place for vibrant, friendly discussion where we share our love of theatre with audiences through news about our work, behind the scenes updates and more. We enjoy engaging in relevant and respectful conversation with everyone from first-time audience members to dedicated and long-term theatre-goers.

We value feedback about Playhouse experiences in all circumstances. However, we expect that comments, posts and communications will always be respectful of others. We endeavor to maintain topical, courteous and respectful social media spaces and communications that are aligned to our organizational values, and duty of care to create and maintain a safe environment for all.

We reserve the right to moderate, remove or reject (not publish) any comments that is or contains:

  • Personally identifiable information (PII).
  • Vulgar or abusive language or images.
  • Defamatory, derogatory, or inflammatory content.
  • Personal attacks of any kind, threats, belittling, name-calling or bullying statements.
  • Offensive terms or derogatory statements that target specific groups by race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, ethnicity, age, religion or disability.
  • Spam or comments that are off topic. This includes:
    • Multiple, successive off-topic posts or comments by a single user.
    • Repetitive posts copied and pasted by multiple users.
    • Spam or comments that are automated.
  • Promotions of services or products.
  • Solicitations of funds or for business.
  • Links to external websites or applications (noncommercial links relevant to the topic or another comment may be acceptable.)
  • Classified or proprietary information, or information protected by other statutory or regulatory regimes (intellectual property, copyrighted materials, licensed materials, privacy protected information, etc.)
  • Any other material or content that is deemed to be inappropriate to share on our site.

Social media users are subject to the Terms of Service of individual social media platforms.

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