Privacy Policy

This is for the website of La Jolla Playhouse.

Our postal address is:
La Jolla Playhouse
2910 La Jolla Village Drive
La Jolla, CA 92037
We can be reached via email at [email protected], or you can call our administrative office at (858) 550-1070.

The Information We Collect and How We Use It

We collect information on the site in order to make it possible for you to access all the features on our site and to enhance your overall experience on our site. You can browse our site without submitting any personally identifiable information, but we do collect some anonymous information when you access our site. We also collect information volunteered by our patrons, such as survey information and/or site registrations.

Information Provided by You

When you visit our site, you will be invited to register in order to access some of our services. When you register, you will be asked to provide some personal information, including your name and email address. You may also purchase subscriptions or single tickets, and/or make donations on the La Jolla Playhouse website, where you will be asked for your billing and/or mailing address, phone number, credit card number, and expiration date so that we can process your purchase.

How We Use Your Information

Patrons who have completed a subscription, single ticket, or donation transaction online and have supplied us with their address may receive periodic mailings from La Jolla Playhouse with information on new productions, discount offers, or upcoming events. If you do not wish to receive such mailings‚ please let us know by emailing us at [email protected]. You may also receive mailings from other local arts organizations and not-for-profit companies. You can‚ however‚ have your name put on our do-not-share list by emailing us at [email protected]. Please provide us with your exact name and mailing address in the e-mail‚ and we will be sure to remove your name from the list that we share with other organizations.

Patrons who have completed a subscription, single ticket, or donation transaction online and have supplied us with their telephone number may receive telephone calls from La Jolla Playhouse with information on new productions, discount offers, or upcoming events. If you do not wish to receive such telephone calls‚ please let us know by emailing us at [email protected].

If you create an account at, La Jolla Playhouse may also use your contact information to send you email about new offerings and special theatre-related events that may be of interest to you. Please note that La Jolla Playhouse will never, ever trade, rent, or sell your email address or phone number to anyone. If you do not want to receive email or phone calls from La Jolla Playhouse in the future‚ please let us know by sending an email to [email protected] and providing us with your name and email address or phone.

Security of Your Information

When you purchase a subscription or single ticket or make a donation, we need to obtain your credit card number, expiration date, and billing address information. This information is encrypted and transmitted over the Internet where it is stored securely, and used for billing purposes only. We have appropriate security measures in place in our physical facilities to protect against the loss, misuse, or alteration of information that we have collected from you at our site.


La Jolla Playhouse exercises reasonable care in mitigating any potential issues associated with the operation of our website, including, but not limited to, utilizing security software applications and employing computer consultants. We realize, however, that a multitude of technical issues can arise in our website operations.

To this effect, La Jolla Playhouse does not warrant that the functions contained on this website will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that our web pages or ISP or server operations that host or transmit any webpage or content contained thereon is free of viruses or other harmful defects.

In the event that there exists a conflict between posted materials, policies, or any other terms on the website and any executed agreements, such as subscription policies, donor agreements, or any other arrangements, the executed agreement and its terms will prevail and will be given full force and effect with modification.

La Jolla Playhouse’s website and its materials are provided on an “AS IS” basis without any kind of warranties or representations, either express or implied, regarding, among other things, the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of text, graphics, opinions, and other items accessed from or via this website.

La Jolla Playhouse, its suppliers, or any other third parties mentioned on this website shall not be liable, under any circumstances, for direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damagers, including, but not limited to, costs associated with servicing, repairing, and/or replacing equipment, lost data, lost profits, or business interruptions, resulting from the use or inability to use this website and its materials, whether or not La Jolla Playhouse is advised of the possibility of such damages.

Links to Third Party Sites

This website may contain links to other sites. Please be aware that La Jolla Playhouse is not responsible for the privacy practices of other sites. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our site and to read the privacy statements of each and every website that collects personally identifiable information. This privacy statement policy applies solely to information collected by this website.

IP Address

We automatically track IP (internet protocol) addresses for statistical purposes. IP addresses are logged per user’s session and help to determine how often areas on our site are visited. La Jolla Playhouse does not track IP addresses with any of your personal information, so we will never link an IP address to a specific user. We also monitor traffic patterns and site usage to help us develop and improve the design and layout of the site.


We use cookies to improve your experience at Cookies in and of themselves do not personally identify users, although they do identify a user’s computer. We use cookies for remarketing and to remember information users give us so they don’t have to reenter it each time they visit our site. You are always free to decline our cookies if your browser permits. Even without a cookie, you will still be able to use most of the features on our site.

When purchasing a ticket or making a donation through La Jolla Playhouse’s website, you will be directed to the TNEW purchase path, part of the Playhouse’s Customer Relationship Management tool, Tessitura. The TNEW application only employs the use of strictly necessary cookies. These cookies are essential to use TNEW and access features such as identifying and authenticating users when they log in. Deletion or blocking of these types of cookies will result in the failure of TNEW to function.

Correcting or Updating Personal Information

If your personal information changes, we will gladly correct, update, or remove any data you have previously provided to us. You may change your personal information at any time by sending an email to [email protected]. We may retain a copy of the prior version for our records.

Your Acceptance of These Terms

By visiting, you consent to the terms of this Privacy Policy. We will always fully disclose our privacy policies, and if our information practices change at some time in the future we will post the policy changes to our website and provide you with the ability to opt out of these new uses. If you are concerned about how your information is used, you should check back at our website periodically.

If you choose to visit, your visit and any dispute over privacy is subject to this Privacy Policy.

Donor Privacy Policy

The privacy of our donors is of the utmost importance to La Jolla Playhouse. To reflect our commitment to honor your rights, we have developed this Donor Privacy Policy to inform our donors how their personal information is safeguarded. 

When you make a financial donation to La Jolla Playhouse, online or offline, we collect and maintain certain information about you, including your name, contact information, payment information, including in many instances, your credit card data.

We will not sell, share or trade our donors’ names or personal information with any other entity, nor send mailings to our donors on behalf of other organizations.

We only use the contact information of our donors for the following purposes:

  • Distributing gift receipts;
  • Informing donors about upcoming events and activities;
  • Thanking and recognizing donors for their gifts;
  • Internal analysis and record keeping.

Donations made via credit card transactions are handled by established third-party banking institutions, process agents and distribution institutions. They receive the information they need to verify and authorize your credit card transactions and only use such information for purposes necessary to process the donation.

Donor names are publicly associated with their donation unless the donor explicitly chooses the “anonymous” field when donating, or otherwise notify us of their wish to remain anonymous. Properly anonymized donor information can be used for promotional and fundraising activities.

You may “opt out,” or unsubscribe from our newsletters and non-transactional related emails and disclosures to third parties for promotional purposes by following the unsubscribe instructions in any email you receive from us.

By using this site or by making a donation by mail, you signify your agreement to La Jolla Playhouse’s Privacy Policy.

If you feel that this site is not following its stated information policy, you may e-mail us at [email protected].

Thank you for your interest in La Jolla Playhouse.

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