Welcome to the La Jolla Playhouse Access FAQ page. The best place for Access information about the Playhouse is the Accessibility page, where many of your questions may be answered. Below we have included extra information and links to help make your visit smooth. If your question is not answered or if you prefer to be in contact with a member of staff, please contact Patron Services and we will do our very best to assist.
Patron Services
boxoffice@ljp.org, (858) 550-1010
Tuesday – Saturday, 12pm – 6pm
Closed Sunday and Monday
Assisted Listening is available for every performance and allows patrons to have a set of headphones so the individual listening level can be adjusted as needed. Headphones can be borrowed from the Patron Information table in the lobby.
Audio description is where someone is actively describing the performer’s action and or visuals on stage. This service includes a pre-performance reading from the program of the dramaturgy, biographies and production information as well as descriptions of physical action in the play in real time. Audio description is available by request and prior arrangement after the Opening Night of each production. To request audio description, please call Patron Services on (858) 550-1010 or email boxoffice@ljp.org at least 7 business days in advance so that we can coordinate your tickets and this service.
Please see our ASL Usher who is located by the Box Office and they can contact our House Manager to help reseat you before the show starts. Our House Manager and Box Office Team can work to help get you reseated as close to the ASL Interpreters as the performance’s seating configuration allows.
Yes, we have an ASL usher designated to support and sign at every Access performance. They can be identified by their Playhouse name tag, and are located by the Box Office, but any member of house management can point you toward them.
In most circumstances, ASL Interpreters are lit by a stage light directly in front of the stage, on the right hand side when facing the stage. If possible, we recommend patrons who use this service reserve seats mid-house or towards the front to be in the best view of ASL Interpreters. Our Patrons Services team can assist to find the best available seats.
Seats where the ASL Interpreters are most visible are also available to purchase online using promo code LJPSCENE, or by following the link that’s provided on the production’s landing page.
The device has an infrared receiver that connects to infrared illuminators hanging in the theatre. The device needs a clear, uncovered ‘line of sight’ to the illuminator in order to work. When you contact Patron Services to request this service, we will ensure you are seated in an area of the theatre where the headphones work. We will select seating for you. Call Patron Services on (858) 550-1010 or email boxoffice@ljp.org.
Many hard of hearing patrons have used the National Relay Service to communicate with Patron Services over the phone. For in person communication, our team can utilize written communication.
For single tickets: caregivers need to purchase a ticket to attend. Caregivers can purchase tickets at the 20% off discount rate using promo code LJPSCENE or LJPAUDIO, or contact Patron Services who can assist.
For the 6-Play Access subscription: caregivers are given 1 complimentary ticket for each production in the subscription, to attend with and sit next to the subscriber.
Hearing aids or cochlear implants that have a telecoil (“t-coil”) are compatible with the hearing loop. The Weiss and Forum theatres have a hearing loop system. Note that the Potiker Theatre has an infrared system with Sennheiser devices. Users need to borrow a neck loop from the Patron Information Table in the theatre lobby to connect their device.
Please alert any member of the house management team wearing a Playhouse name tag and they can assist you.
At all performances, there is a Patron Information Table located near the entrances of the Weiss or Potiker Theatre. In the Forum Theatre, the table is located at the bottom of the ramp.
This table has Assisted Listening Devices and is staffed by an usher or a member of house management. To check out a listening device, please provide your driver’s license or credit card to the attendant at the table. You may retrieve it when the listening device is returned.
Potiker Theatre: The Potiker Theatre elevator is accessible throughout the show with the accompaniment of house management.
Weiss Theatre: The Weiss elevator is only accessible during pre-show, intermission and at the end of the show with the accompaniment of house management.
Forum Theatre: The Forum Theatre does not have an elevator. To access the theatre, patrons can either walk up the ramp or house management can help transport patrons via golf cart.
The plaza is utilized as a walkway for our patrons and only authorized vehicles are allowed to enter. Authorized vehicles have been advised not to drive through the area one hour before the show begins.
For dropping off patrons, there is a passenger drop-off location on Revelle College Drive, perfect for rise-share services or those with access needs. We have a golf cart to help transport patrons up the slight incline to the theatres upon request. See a member of the house management team upon arrival to utilize the golf cart.
Weiss: Bathrooms are most easily accessed from seats near the house left aisle, toward the back of the theatre. The Weiss bathrooms are located on the left as you enter the theatre, just past the Listening Device table.
Potiker: Bathrooms are most easily accessed from either seats near the aisles (both house left and house right), toward the front of the theatre, or the balcony left section. The Potiker bathrooms are located past the staircase to the balcony on the right.
Forum: Bathrooms are most easily accessed from aisle seats, toward the back of the theatre. Please note that to access the Forum bathrooms, you have to exit the theatre and go back down to the first floor.
If special seating accommodations are necessary, please call Patron Services at (858) 550-1010 or email boxoffice@ljp.org in advance, and we will do our best to find an alternative seating option.
Yes, there are hand sanitizer stations in the entranceways of the theatres and masks and ear-plugs are normally available upon request.
Yes, the South Parking Structure does have accessible parking. The shuttles from the parking structure to the Playhouse are also equipped with a wheelchair lift. See accessible parking and shuttle section here.
If you have access, special requirements, or any questions about Access at WOW Festival please contact Patron Services on boxoffice@ljp.org or (858) 550-1010 and we will do our very best to assist.
Photo credit: The cast of La Jolla Playhouse’s world-premiere of SUMO, by Lisa Sanaye Dring, directed by Ralph B. Peña, co-produced with Ma-Yi Theater; photo by Rich Soublet II.
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