
If you want ultimate flexibility to suit your calendar, the Design-Your-Own (DYO) subscription is for you. Mix and match 3 or more shows that capture your imagination and the dates that suit you best.

Enjoy specially-selected seats at the most in-demand shows of the year — a smart choice, shows will sell out.

You get flexibility plus perks, and your subscription supports the Playhouse in our mission to continue creating adventurous new works you’ll love.

Get your DYO Subscription in under 5 minutes:

  1. Explore the productions – download a brochure or read about them here.
  2. Choose your preferred shows and dates
  3. Select your seating (Gold Circle, Area 1 or Area 2) and number of subscriptions, and check out.

You will receive an order confirmation email immediately. Tickets will be mailed to you in Spring 2025. Take advantage of your free exchange perk to adjust your subscription dates as needed once you receive your tickets in the mail.

Students, Seniors and Military are eligible for a discounted subscription. You can select your relevant discount when you purchase your subscription.


Select a date range to connect to the pricing for those dates. Then follow the steps to select your preferred shows. See DYO pricing in the tables below.



Due to popular demand and limited capacity, prices are subject to change. We encourage you to subscribe ASAP to secure the best seats at the lowest available price. For the best viewing experience, we recommend viewing the pricing tables below on a desktop computer.

Tues – Fri, Sat Eve, Sat/Sun Mat (First Look, Week 1)

Gold Circle Seating

Area 1 Seating

Area 2 Seating

Jaja's African Hair Braiding




Indian Princesses



The Heart



All The Men...



Working Girl




The Recipe




Tues – Fri, Sun Eve (Week 2 and beyond)

Gold Circle Seating

Area 1 Seating

Area 2 Seating

Jaja's African Hair Braiding




Indian Princesses



The Heart



All The Men...



Working Girl




The Recipe




Sat Mat, Sat Eve, Sun Mat (Week 2 and beyond)

Gold Circle Seating

Area 1 Seating

Area 2 Seating

Jaja's African Hair Braiding




Indian Princesses



The Heart



All The Men...



Working Girl




The Recipe




*‘First Look’ performances are the first week of the run of each show prior to opening night (with some exceptions). First Look tickets are lower price and offer the opportunity to experience the show while the creative team is still polishing and making changes. This is a vital element of a show’s evolution, allowing the creative team to step back and see the show through the eyes and experience of the audience. Playhouse staff speak to the audience briefly before the show starts, and the creative team may be seated near you taking notes.

Gold Circle seating is only available for these two shows in the Weiss Theatre.

Please contact Patron Services with any questions.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (858) 550-1010

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