The Becky Moores Education Challenge:

Arts for a Digital Age!

Please help La Jolla Playhouse serve teachers, students and parents. Support Arts in (Online) Education.

As San Diego County’s official arts education partner, La Jolla Playhouse is perfectly poised to respond to this moment with the ingenuity and resourcefulness of theatre.

We have created and provided arts-based lesson plans, study guides, scripts, videos and more to EVERY teacher in San Diego County.

As a non-profit theatre, we can only do this important work for the community with your help. If you believe in the power of theatre to transform lives, please donate to support us.

Your contribution will make it possible for students to be learning, connecting, communicating, collaborating and creating, from home. The most fun homework they will have all year!

All of us are deeply grateful to Becky Moores for her willingness to match all new and increased donations, up to $100,000. Her gift, combined with yours, will provide engaging theatre resources to all 42 school districts in San Diego County, at no charge to them.

Thank you in advance for your generosity. Becky looks forward to matching your gift, and all of us at the Playhouse look forward to being “back to school,” with your help!

Donate Today!

» Click here to give directly from your donor-advised fund


Click the video above to watch an LJPedia exercise from the La Jolla Playhouse Education Team


Click the video above to watch Playhouse staff members participate in Play Where You Are reading

WIZARDS Zoom screengrab of families

Image: families participating in The Wizards of Oakwood Drive

“This fall, we have the unique opportunity to provide an exciting and effective arts-based curriculum to all San Diego County Schools. Our impact will expand exponentially online – potentially utilized by every teacher – to serve every student.”
– Dr. Kathy Jones, Trustee and Chair, Education & Outreach Committee

Teacher Testimonials:

“Our La Jolla Playhouse teaching partner, Samantha Ginn, was awesome! She had so many different creative ideas that supported the standards being taught. The students were so engaged, they absorbed & remembered the concepts being taught, and loved all the physical movements and imagination-based lessons.”
– Andrea Haase, Finney Elementary
“We always feel so welcomed and appreciated when working with La Jolla Playhouse, and the focus on telling frequently untold stories is always well received by the scholars. We also love the approachability and kindness of all LJP staff. Thank you for all you do!”
– Sabrina Creen, Del Lago Elementary
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